metatron......... Good thread & enjoyed your input.
Everyone else.......good points!
This topic of disfellowshipping & shunning needs to be crammed down the throat of the WTBTS so they can choke on it!
in today's watchtower study, towards the end, you had one of those typical comments by a former df'ed witness expressing appreciation for being shunned.
these comments always remind me of a stalinist show trial in which the accused enthusiastically accepts being executed for the greater good (probably to save his family).. after this kind of nonsense is expressed, you will get a flurry of self righteous comments emphasizing how important it is to shun your disfellowshipped relatives, so that they can come back in the "truth".. oh, really?
do any of these people raising their hand realize that, if the "success" of disfellowshipping depends on your shunning, then the "repentant" person is "coming back in the truth" for the sake of their relatives -and not because of fearing jehovah !!!???.
metatron......... Good thread & enjoyed your input.
Everyone else.......good points!
This topic of disfellowshipping & shunning needs to be crammed down the throat of the WTBTS so they can choke on it!
do you hate lawlessness?.
can the elders enforce any laws since they cannot read hearts?
love one another.
Sorry, my previous post went haywire on me when I tried to copy and paste. It should have read as follows:
Blondie wrote: 'I’m starting to think that pornography should be a permanent topic in every study article. It is interesting that almost all accounts of jws with the “problem” are men…does that mean jw women don’t partake?'
Par 10 states in part: "Consider what happened to one Christian. He says: "I secretly viewed pornography...................."
I thought 'deja vu'. Didn't we read in last weeks' study about a 'brother' who also viewed pornography and went on and got addicted to weed. They are giving us guys a bum rap as though ladies know better than to do that. There are reports out there that say female subscription/viewing of pornography is 10' high and rising. WTBTS admit it our sisters like it too! And lay off the guys!
One thing I am addicted too are your WT Study reviews Blondie. Thank you.
do you hate lawlessness?.
can the elders enforce any laws since they cannot read hearts?
love one another.
Blondie wrote:
Par 10 states in part: "Consider what happened to one Christian. He says: "I secretly viewed pornography...................."
I thought 'deja vu'. Didn't we read in last weeks' study about a 'brother' who also viewed pornography and went on and got addicted to weed. They are giving us guys a bum rap as though ladies know better than to do that. There are reports out there that say female subscription/viewing of pornography is 10' high and rising. WTBTS admit it our sisters like it too! And lay off the guys!
One thing I am addicted too are your reviews Blondie. Thank you.
'I’m starting to think that pornography should be a permanent topic in every study article. It is interesting that almost all accounts of jws with the “problem” are men…does that mean jw women don’t partake?'
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite: 'I'll go ahead and say that millions now living have suffered because of the janitorial/elder arrangement. Some of the millions have suffered to greater degrees than others'
Billy the Ex-Bethelite: You da man. I yield to your estimations based on the following article:
' each year about 40,000 individuals are disfellowshipped from Jehovah’s organization.' WT 4/1/94 p16 par8
So from 1952 (when disfellowshipping was instituted) to the present (2011) there are 59 years. 59 years times 40,000 disfellowshipped (for sake of simplicity) each year equals....... 2,360,000 million disfellowshipped over that period. The 2,360,000 does not include the 'innocent' family and friends that obviously would have been impacted by the disfellowshippings and the shunning that followed.
'Billy' those numbers are bigger than I thought.
So....... really millions of individuals + their family and friends have been caused inexcusable great pain by the current JW Elder arrangement.
And we are supposed to 'Have Regard for Those Who Are Working Hard Among You????'
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
I think I may have spoken out of line earlier on this thread when I stated that ten of thousands of individuals + their family and friends had been caused great pain by the current JW Elder arrangement.
What 'confuzzled777' wrote and what others have written makes me think that it is, conservatively speaking, hundreds of thousands of individuals + their family and friends that have been caused inexcusable great pain by the current JW Elder arrangement.
One thing we all can agree on with the WTBTS regarding the title of this study article is that the Elders do...... 'Work Hard' ya, work hard at inflicting pain and misery upon the flock.
'confuzzled777' for whatever its' worth, on behalf of those 'bonehead' Elders, I do apologize to you & your family.
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
sizemik wrote: 'a long time XJW friend of mine went before a JC as a 17 year old. One Elder asked; "So where exactly did she touch you . . . show me?" And then; "And how long did that last?" And here's the doozy; "And did you enjoy it? Makes my skin crawl'
Sometimes I wonder if the expression ......'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' was coined by an XJW to discribe the WTBTS' Elder body arrangement.
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
flipper: the lyrics....'' I got diplomatic immunity. So, Hammer, You can't sue' are from the Family Guy song 'Can't Touch Me.'
I just changed the wording 'Hammer' to ........'Rank & File' for the purpose of this thread.
So w hen I read Falcon's post regarding the difference between Doctors and Elders (the Doctors can be held responsible and liable for maltreatment and negligence) the following lyrics came to mind:..... ' I got diplomatic immunity. So, Rank & File, You can't sue.'
Sorry for the confusion.
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
Mr. Falcon wrote: 'to all those who mentioned how stupid it is to compare elders to doctors, remember this, too: Doctors can be held responsible and liable for maltreatment and negligence. Just sayin'.
Good point!
I can just hear JW Elders singing the lyrics to Family Guy song: ' I got diplomatic immunity. So, Rank & File, You can't sue.'
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
'do NOT allow the wAY you are admonished to prevent you from listening to those whom Jehovah and Jesus may be usingto let you know how you can help protect yourself spiritually. '
The expression, may be using, is an indication that the WTBTS isn't sure the Elder arrangement is Jah's doing. WOW! Forget the overhaul how about just delete the Elder arrangement altogether.
RADHESYAM: 'doctors go to school for YEARS to learn how to perform their trade. years and years of higher education. elduhs dont.' Good point. Elders learn as they go along at the rank & files' expense.
Blondie: 'I know there were elders that knew that other elders were out of control but did nothing to protect the congregation.' Tell me about it! Again and who pays the price? .........the rank and file.
(I really feel sick)
this is one subject that really annoyed me when i was a jehovah's witness - and i find it still annoys me after being out 7 years from the jw's.
the title of this jw only wt study article is " have regard for those who are working hard among you ".
in my opinion there always seemed to be a double standard in which rank and file publishers were always told to be patient with elders shortcomings - however if rank and file publishers slipped up - elders would be into admonishing and disciplining them like flies attracted to dung with no delay.
Correction: Thank you 'flipper' for giving us a heads up on this article.